We are proudly inviting sponsors for various events of

World Rubber Summit 2024

1. Platinum Sponsor S$25,000




Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and any
hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot.

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022 branding touchpoints.

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop Acknowledgment by
conference Chair at opening and closing sessions.

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration.

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate.

Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


2. Gold Sponsor Or Cocktail Sponsor S$18,000







Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and any
hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot.

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022 branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop.

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and closing sessions.

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate.

Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


3. Silver Sponsor S$12,000




Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and any hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022 branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop.

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and closing sessions

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout conference

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate


Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


4. Tea Break or Collateral Sponsors S$10,000

Tea Break





Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and

any hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022

branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and

closing sessions

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only

excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate


Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


5. Associate Sponsor S$5,000 (Exclusive for IRSG Industry Members only)





for IRSG




Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and

any hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022

branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and

closing sessions

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only

excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate


Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


6. Virtual Exhibitors S$8,000




Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and

any hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022

branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and

closing sessions

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only

excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate


Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to


7. Advertisers S$6,000



Corporate logos (with hyperlinks) in EDMs, WRS website and

any hyperlinks to this site.

Promotion of your image extends beyond IRSG members.

Allocation of a “Speaker” slot

Featured in 2 issues of Electronic Direct Mailer to IRSG members and

network and the general public.

Company logo acknowledgement on the WRS 2022

branding touchpoints

Logo acknowledgement on conference backdrop

Acknowledgment by conference Chair at opening and

closing sessions

Sponsor able to have table-top display at venue throughout

conference duration

5 Complimentary Passes (including tea breaks) for staff only

excluding speaker.

Total value @ S$5,000

Additional Passes can be purchased at preferential rate


Logo acknowledgement on promotional merchandize (subject to
